The Solution of ITAI (Information Technology Application Innovation Industry) Cloud

Scenario Analysis
The 14th Five-Year Plan points out that the Information Technology Application Innovation Industry (ITAI) is imperative. For the past few years, the ITAI industry has begun to expand from the party and government administration to the industry, and the execution of ITAI represented by the party and government administration, the finance and the telecommunication sectors has entered in the large-scale application phase.
Nowadays, the localization ecology is under-development, and the compatibility issues are prone to occur among domestic CPU, storage, network and other hardware devices and domestic operating systems, databases, applications and other software, resulting in low stability and reliability of the localization system. How to effectively integrate existing multi-type ITAI infrastructures while improving utilization and stability is a major issue for current trust users.
Application Scenarios
The solution of ITAI cloud implemented through the InCloud OS can meet the needs of domestic virtualization/cloud platform construction for industry users, provide a deployment on cloud solution with the characteristic of multi-CPU technology routes coexistence, and compatible with a variety of domestic operating systems, middleware and database. At present, it has been widely used in the party and government administration, finance and other scenarios.
●The InCloud OS is capable of being compatible with a variety of CPU architectures according to the business resource requirements and the performance requirements, building a Single Cloud Multiple Cores resource pools and avoiding single architecture locking, as well as uniformly managing and scheduling of heterogeneous computing resources on the IaaS layer.
●This solution is capable of being compatible with a variety of domestic operating systems, widely integrating with the PaaS ecological services, and adapting to a variety of domestic databases, middleware and other PaaS services, as well as converging multi-cloud, big data and AI capabilities, thus, providing unified management and O&M services;
Client Cases
The Inspur Helped the Shandong Province Rural Credit Cooperatives to Achieve the Implementation of Single Cloud Multiple Cores Technology
The Inspur helped the Shandong Province Rural Credit Cooperatives to complete the business deployment on the cloud by completing the building of two data centers and achieving one cloud service two data centers, so that dramatically improve the O&M efficiency of the data center of Shandong Province Rural Credit Cooperatives.
The Inspur Helped the Agricultural Development Bank to Build Cloud-Drive 2.0
This solution built a safe and reliable “intelligent cloud”, i.e. the Cloud-Drive system to manage a variety of resources including X86 and ARM according to the principle of “intensive and efficient, sharing, safe and reliable, as well as providing services on-demand”, and taking the “cloud-network integration” as the framework.
The Value of Solution
●Resource Intensivism: The cloud computing can be widely compatible with the underlying computing resources and associated software. Relying on the integration of technologies, the effective integration of existing ITAI resources investment is achieved and continuity is maintained.
●Avoid Binding: the solution of ITAI Cloud is fully decoupled, which can be compatible with hardware facilities of different brands and architectures, as well as open standard interfaces southward to integrate with ecological services to avoid route binding.
●​Stable and Reliable: The solution is based on ARM, X86 multi-class computing capabilities, which shield the inconsistencies of the underlying multi-class devices, thus guaranteeing safety and reliability.
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