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Inspur Haiyue Intelligent ERP for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises inSuite

Inspur Haiyue inSuite is an intelligent ERP for small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the open-source cloud native technology base, and Fabric “business longitude and latitude” integration architecture, it pre-installs the enterprise-level AI big model inGPT, and adopts a full online SaaS and low-code development model, covering the full process digital applications from procurement to payment, from demand to manufacturing, from order to receipt, from inventory to fulfillment. With Finance Cloud, Supply Chain Cloud, Manufacturing Cloud, Distribution Cloud, Development Cloud, and Ecology Cloud as the core, it also provides solutions for industries like biomedicine, food processing, liquor, modern services, cold chain logistics, project-based manufacturing, helping enterprises to improve the four core capabilities of product delivery innovation, revenue growth, cost control, and smart operation, so as to empower small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve high-quality development.


Fabric "business latitude and longitude" supports E2E business collaboration, unifies models and basic data, and provides one-stop solutions.


Multi-dimensional precision cost accounting and Amoeba management enable enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency.


Internationalized architecture design supports multiple languages, time zones, currencies, accounting standards, and ledgers to facilitate the development of overseas business.

Fully Online
Fully Online

Anytime, anywhere access across multiple devices and online collaboration; SaaS solutions for enterprise cloudification out of the box

Cloud Native
Cloud Native

Adopts the microservice architecture with containerized deployment, K3s for service orchestration, and DevOps online development and O&M integration. This facilitates continuous delivery, ensuring product scalability and quality.

Next-Gen Technology Architecture

Cloud native, next-gen microservice architecture: SeviceMesh, and DevOps multi-cloud development and O&M integration.

Low-Code Platform

Model-driven architectures, visualized forms, and process design.

New Interactive Experience

Front-end Farris UI framework, customized role-based interactive experience.


Big data mining, integration, and services enable business analysis and decision.

Enterprise Service Large Model

Sustainable evolutionary large model services based on the Haiyue Large Model empower enterprises to achieve full-service digitalization and intelligent transformation.

High Security

Role-based refined permission control ensures high-level security through grading protection and classified protection authentication.

IoT Platform

Cloud-edge collaborative architecture with extensive connectivity, real-time data computing, and 3D visualization.

Hybrid Integration

HIP(hybrid integration platform) offers rapid integration capabilities for different identities, data, applications, and services.

Open Source

UBML, the low-code core modeling system, is now open-source. This dynamic fosters a UBML low-code open-source community (gitee.com/ubml) and Inspur Haiyue inBuilder open-source community version (ibc.inspures.com). Together, we're building an open, collaborative, secure, and green open-source system.