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InCloud OS

The InCloud OS is the next-generation of cloud data center product for the IT sector, providing customers with continuous and stable “IaaS+PaaS” full-stack IT cloud solutions with high reliability and high-performance.

Building on the idea of hierarchical decoupling and open standards, InCloud OS is composed of infrastructure layer, platform layer, application layer, O&M and operation system and security protection system. This product follows the design principles of modularization, standardization, wide compatibility, independent design, safe and controllable, intelligent and efficient unified management, and each functional component can be freely combined and deployed on demand, so that reduce the IT procurement costs. In addition, it employs scalable system design to facilitate the development of value-added modules that can meet the personalized needs of users and provide customers with a full-stack cloud solution.


Keeping on Evolution and Fully Taking Advantage of Old Solutions

This product can achieve the smooth evolution from virtualization to cloud platform, IaaS to cloud-native PaaS, and small-scale single center to large-scale multiple data centers; in addition, it is able to offer capabilities of one cloud multi-core and multi-cloud management, etc. with the most comprehensive compatible capabilities.


Safe and Reliable, Stable and Efficient

This product is capable of providing the local and remote disaster recovery solutions for three centers and the outstanding equal security/confidential evaluation solutions to guarantee business continuity to the greatest extent with the comprehensive and multi-level local high availability.


One Cloud Multi-core and Hierarchical Decoupling

The product adheres to the open technical route and focus on the principal of “one cloud multi-core and hierarchical decoupling”. Furthermore, it is possible to integrate different layers of software and hardware through standard interfaces to match the continuous construction and evolving needs of clients.


With the Capabilities of Opening and Convergence as well as Implementing Minimalist O&M Process

This product is capable of performing unified management of computing power, network and storage resources to provide self-service integrated O&M experience; In addition, it leverages the design of Platform + ecological integration to form comprehensive alliances with a variety of eco-partners from planning to scheme, integration, delivery, after-sales, so that provide customer-centric solutions.
