Industrial Visual Production Line Solution


Human eyes are replaced with detection platforms, enabling any user in industrial enterprises to perform core tasks such as appearance defect detection and identifier recognition of products without human intervention.

Background Information

Traditional detection methods are replaced with machines, which can coordinate and allocate personnel to other important positions on the production line to improve productivity, enhance labor efficiency, reduce costs, and increase the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Detailed Solutions

This solution can achieve precise measurement, identification, and measurement of various surface defects of product parts in a flexible, non-contact, efficient, and fast manner, realizing mechanized integrity testing. It is suitable for various industries such as cables, tobacco, liquor, leather and textile, chemical, semiconductor, and automotive.

Customer Benefits
Increase Productivity
Machine vision systems can replace traditional human eye detection in many cases, improving the usability and repeatability of inspections. In addition, the system can also identify and count duplicate defects, prioritize the systematic elimination of defects at the location of their occurrence, and simultaneously analyze repetitive defects to perfect the previous production process and technology, and enhance product productivity.
Save Costs
Machine vision systems can detect defective parts at various stages of the production process and remove them directly from the earliest production process to avoid further precise machining, which can save costs.
Defective parts that have been picked out in the process can also be put back into the generation process for repair or grading, which not only saves materials but also prevents products with high defect levels from entering subsequent processing steps, thereby saving production costs.
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