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Operator S: A one-stop resource management platform, assisting in asset digital transformation and Fixed Network Data Quality


Inspur Resource Management Solution for Saudi Top Level Telecom Operator, provides end-to-end data governance process with flexible tools and AI capability for data survey and correction, improving work efficiency and data quality.

Background Information

Operator S is the prime provider of digital services in Saudi Arabia, offering an expanding range of wired and wireless voice and data services and facilities to customers, which has achieved customer substantial growth in main services.

Operator S has undertaken as its mission to world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers and enabling the digital transformation of the MENA region.

Pain Points:

Due to multiple legacy system and inconsistent field operations for port, Operator S had erroneous Service Inventory with inaccurate database of user account and access network routing relationships.

With erroneous inventories, Operators will have severe problems in daily operations,

• Affect service fulfillment & troubleshooting efficiency,Hard to determine which port is actually free for new client services when all ports are physically occupied.Hard to determine specific customer used port to locate problem cause.

• Affect service operation accuracy,Hard to evaluate resource access ability accurately and perform subsequent network planning and expansion.

Solution Introduction

Inspur helps Operator S implemented Unified Resource Management system in 2023. The integrated platform system manage, maintain and provision multi-vendor and multi-technology telecommunication network covering Fixed, Transport, IP and Passive resource.A Unified Platform for Resource Management

Large network scale with 30+ EMS, covering full range of network assurance & service provisioning

• Passive Inventory: MH/HH, Pole, Duct, Cable, Fiber, ODF, FDT, FAT, ODB, Joint Box


• Fixed Access: FTTx / ONT / MDU


Data Tracing for Physical Route on GIS

GIS presentation and tools for point and pipeline resources. Additionally, the physical optical fiber routes associated with the service can be displayed on the map.By integrating inside (ISP) and outside (OSP) resource data, the solution enables coherent data tracking and service impact analysis. Once the faulty site or router is identified, operators can swiftly assess impacted devices and services via the topology.

Comprehensive Data Verification Rules

Auto discovery & reconciliation, with rich verification rules to assure data accuracy, integrity, consistency.

Multi-dimensional rules constrain, such as unified resource name rule, topology, EMS data integrity.

Data audit and change log to check resource data quality in integrity, accuracy, consistency.

Efficient Data Governance Process with Mobile APP

Simplify the survey process and dispatch work orders with discrepancy reports.

Online modification of resources, upload pictures by mobile APP

Apply for collaborative department, ensuring consistency between on-site data and database, and improving data accuracy.

Customer Value

Inspur and Operator S have jointly accomplished the period goals after 6 months:

1. Remarkably enhance data quality through a streamlined governance process, elevating resource data accuracy ratio from 55% to 95%.

2. Directly mobilize idle resource to improve service fulfillment efficiency

    -Release free ports more than 0.2 million

    -Timely service fulfillment ratio: 91% - 99%

3. Establish a consolidated resource platform with trusted ISP & OSP data source, empowering Operator S to comprehend cross-domain network and monitoring network intuitively.

4. Significantly reduce O&M expenses through data tracking and service impact analysis, saving troubleshooting time and labor.

Contact us
Official Customer Service: +86-531-81604000-9
E-mail : servicecenter@inspur.com