City Governance Solution


In order to promote the modernization of urban governance system and governance capacity, Inspur builds integrated service capabilities of "Data + Event + Application" based on core products such as City Operation Management Platform and Digital Cockpit, provides one-network management construction and operation services of "vertical penetration, horizontal collaboration, integration and sharing", and improves the level of scientific, refined and intelligent urban governance.


The modernization of urban governance systems and capabilities is an important aspect of the modernization of the national governance system and capabilities. It is essential to enhance the rule of law, scientific approach, precision, and intelligence in urban governance to better advance the modernization of urban management and fully implement the concept of a people-oriented city.

Solution Introduction

Inspur City Governance focuses on urban management, social governance, industrial economy and other fields to create the overall architecture of "1+4+1+N", that is, 1 set of City Digital Infrastructure + 4 Major Centers (City Situation Center, City Event Center, City Dispatch Center and City Evaluation Center) +1 Digital Cockpit +N Smart Application Scenarios. To provide a full closed-loop process service capability of "monitoring - early warning - disposal - command - decision - evaluation" for urban operation, and comprehensively improve the urban governance capability and modernization level. 

Value for Customers
City governance is linked to development and people's livelihood. It is an important support for building a high-quality urban form and achieving high-quality urban development, and it is a direct reflection of meeting the people's needs for a better life. As a leading enterprise in urban governance, Inspur has provided urban operation and management services for 70+ cities in China, and created a five-level urban governance system that integrates provincial, city, county (district), town, street and community, making the city more warm and smarter.
Contact us
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