Dedicated Urban Rail Communication System Integration Solution


Integrates Inspur's AI large model and big data model capabilities via Inspur's "information + communication" integration technology, to guarantee the stability and security of communication based on the cutting-edge needs for industry development. The communication trunking capability provides stable and reliable communication services for various service needs such as operation scheduling, operation command, security emergency, and passenger services.

Background Information

Inspur’s smart urban rail solution is committed to taking advantage of cloud computing, big data, and other new-generation information technologies to foster the digital transformation and upgrade of the urban rail transit system and provide customers with value solutions for building a comprehensive, green, safe, and intelligent urban rail transit system.

Overview for Solutions

The urban rail communication system integration solution adopts Inspur's "information + communication" integration technology, which is integrated with 12 subsystems, including transmission, wireless communication, telephone for special use, official telephone, video surveillance, centralized recording, broadcasting, centralized alarm, clock, communication power supply, office automation, and passenger information. It supports 10Gb/s to 100Gb/s transmission over OTN/SPN and vehicle-to-ground wireless communication in LTE, TETRA, and WLAN network modes. It is also integrated with the capabilities of Inspur's AI large model and big data model to build real-time monitoring, analysis and early warning protection capabilities for traditional video surveillance, broadcasting, centralized alarm, and passenger information systems.

Customer Benefits

Customers are provided with full-lifecycle services for dedicated urban rail communication, including planning, design, model selection, products, integration, construction, and O&M. The full-stack highly integrated communication capabilities guarantee the security, stability, and reliability of the customer's communication system and improve the overall quality of the communication system.

Contact us
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