Student Registry Management Solution


The management of students' school registration is an important daily work of schools and education administration departments, as well as a basic education management system. With the rapid development of information technology, the informationization of school registration management has become the development trend. In recent years, the reform and development of China's basic education has also put forward the requirements for the informatization of school registration management. The establishment of an informatized school registration management system is a basic task for improving the level of education management, an effective way to strengthen and standardize the management of student registration, an urgent requirement for the management of student registration in the new era, and an important part of the work of education supervision at all levels of government.

ustomer Benefits

The system focuses on providing student management services for all stages of education, and through data collection and summary, daily management, information query, statistical analysis and other functions, it enhances the comprehensive ability of the education administration departments at all levels and schools of all types of education stages in daily management, scientific decision-making, and optimizing the allocation of resources. The details are as follows.

1. Improving the management of student registration;

2. Management of student registration information to each individual student, the establishment of electronic student registration files for each student, and the realization of nationwide sharing of student registration data to provide a basis for day-to-day management and scientific decision-making;

3. Realize the integration and management of the whole process of all aspects of the "change of student registration", realize seamless connection with other types of student registration management information systems, and monitor and manage the flow of students in real time within the scope;

4. Solving the problem of schooling for children of migrant workers in urban areas, realizing the "control of dropouts and preservation of schooling", and providing support for the management and alleviation of the problems of choosing schools, controlling class sizes, and verifying the status of candidates at the compulsory education stage;

5. Provide true and accurate data and manage the necessary support for national programs such as student financial assistance, the reform of the compulsory education funding guarantee mechanism, and the Student Nutrition Improvement Program;

6. Providing support for the reform of comprehensive quality assessment of students;

7. Providing statistical, analytical and monitoring functions of student data for educational administration and management at all levels;

8. Enhancement of the operational management capacity of student registration at all levels of administration, and realization of the day-to-day management of new student registration, approval of student registration files, changes in student registration and approval, and graduation of students

Solution Description

1. Building information resources on students' school registration based on standards at all levels

With reference to the national e-government standardization guidelines, following the relevant norms of the Ministry of Education's "Education Service and Supervision System Informatization Construction", and with reference to the "Norms of Basic Information for Informatization Management of Primary and Secondary School Students' School Registration", the project builds information resources to standardize the collection, management and use of basic information of students' school registration among education departments and institutions at all levels and to strengthen and The collection, management and use of basic information on students' school registration are standardized in education departments and institutions at all levels, and the standards, norms and accuracy of basic data on school registration are enhanced, thus laying a good data foundation for the nationwide realization of business services, supervision and data sharing of school registrations across education stages and education institutions.

2. Realization of data exchange based on a unified data exchange platform

Realization of universal data exchange between administrative units at all levels, support for cross-unit enrollment, graduation, transfer and other business processes.

3. Supporting hierarchical deployment and hierarchical application models

The system of the Student Registration Management Information System (SRMIS) is intended for use by administrative bodies at all levels, various types of school institutions and other units, and the system can be physically deployed in a hierarchical manner and resources deployed in accordance with the needs of the expansion.

4. Based on multi-technology means to deal with massive data and concurrency

Standing in the national information system construction considerations, in business processing, query, statistics and other operations, need to solve the problem of performance and high concurrent access, the system design from the database, application software, middleware, hardware facilities, and other levels of multi-faceted considerations, so as to improve the performance of the system, and effectively solve the massive data and access to the concurrently, to ensure that the system security, availability, reliability.

5. Develop business applications based on SOA architecture concepts

System construction follows the SOA architecture concept, the application architecture is a service-oriented architecture that can fully support the realization of SOA, the abstraction of business functions and service encapsulation for related businesses to invoke and consume, and can realize the monitoring and governance of services.

6. Based on configurability to realize the flexible expansion of the system

The application architecture and system functions can meet the needs of changing business requirements, and the future changes and diversity of data, processes, functions, authentication, and tool platforms are fully considered in the design of the system, which can be adapted to individualized needs and make it highly scalable.

7. Improve the user experience, enhance the ease of use of the system

Focusing on user experience with the grass-roots business users as the center. Give full consideration to the operating habits of teachers at the grass-roots level and the objective situation of frequent changes in school registration management positions, strengthen the system automatic matching, default information auto-fill, automatic proofreading and prompting, data temporary storage, continuous data entry, batch operation and audit and other functional requirements to Web2.0 for the concept of improving the user interface with the help of AJAX and other technologies. AJAX and other technologies.

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