Regional Education Cloud Solution


Inspur Education Cloud Platform strengthens the organic integration and efficient use of education information resources, builds an open, collaborative, intelligent, interconnected, flexible and scalable IT software environment, and integrates various data and services of education management public service platform, teaching and learning service platform, education data analytics service platform, and digital campus platform through the unified data resource platform, service openness and sharing platform to realize unified and centralized management and control; through the application access platform, the national core system, provincial general system, municipal self-built system and other application systems provided by third-party vendors are unified access and management, thus realizing cross-departmental and third-party vendors' application systems. Centralized management and control; through the application access platform, the national core system, provincial general system, municipal self-built systems and other third-party vendors to provide application systems for unified access and management, so as to achieve cross-departmental and hierarchical resource sharing and application integration, to avoid duplication of construction and the phenomenon of information silos to the maximum extent possible, the formation of a benign ecosystem for the development and management of applications; through the user center of the educational resources, Application, service convergence and integration, for individuals and institutions to provide real-name cyberspace, for education managers, teachers, students engaged in teaching, management activities on the network to provide an integrated, customizable, editable personalized space, and further promote teaching and learning, teaching and learning, learning and learning of the comprehensive interaction, to solve the problem of the "last kilometer" of the construction of education informatization. The problem of "the last kilometer" of education informatization construction is solved.

ustomer Benefits

1. educing application operating costs

The Inspur Regional Education Cloud solution transforms non-shared, dedicated application silos into dynamically managed, centralized, shareable application assets, improving resource utilization and redeploying resources to meet changing business needs and reduce application operating costs.

2. Improving the quality of services and reducing risks

Inspur's regional education cloud solution provides the best user experience and realizes on-demand resource provisioning by assessing service quality against established service level standards. At the same time, it utilizes a variety of enhanced security features to build and maintain the application operating environment, greatly reducing business risks;

3. Accelerating the implementation of application changes and improving business agility

Inspur's regional education cloud solution makes it easy to assess change requirements, accelerates the deployment of new products and services, responds faster to changing business environments and competitive market conditions, and improves business agility.

4. Driving business growth

The Inspur Regional Education Cloud solution accelerates business growth by automating and more efficiently managing processes, freeing up valuable resources for service innovation.

Solution Description

Inspur's regional education cloud solution adopts the design of "platform + application + service". Taking Inspur Education Cloud platform as the base, it provides cloud infrastructure services, data resource platform, service open and sharing platform, application mall, and user-centered portal and other services to provide unified basic support capability. Based on the platform, it realizes the unified convergence, integration and data sharing of the national core system, provincial/city general system and county/school special system, and provides "one-stop" education management service, teaching and learning service, and public service for administrators at all levels, teachers, students, parents and the public.

Contact us
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