Smart Campus Solutions


The value of smart campus construction is to improve the quality and efficiency of education and teaching, promote the development of innovation ability and comprehensive literacy of teachers and students, and improve the efficiency and level of campus management, creating a more livable and suitable campus environment for teachers and students.

Customer benefits

1. Managers’ benefits: support the school’s various business handling, realize business collaboration, process connection, and data sharing between departments, optimize work processes, improve business handling efficiency, and provide government services for parents to achieve information sharing.

2. Teachers’ benefits: Provide all-round and all-weather information services for teachers’ office, teaching and research, innovate teaching models, improve teaching levels, reduce work burdens, accumulate teaching and personal development data, and provide data support and services for education quality analysis and teacher growth evaluation.

3. Students’ benefits: Provide students with full-cycle and whole-process information services from enrollment to graduation, track students’ learning process, record students’ learning tracks, analyze students’ learning status, make learning more targeted, strengthen the effect of learning, improve learning performance, and promote competency-based teaching.

Solution Description

The comprehensive solution of Inspur smart campus adopts the architecture model of “cloud + network + terminal + application + resource” to create an interconnected basic environment, an intelligent management platform, networked teaching and learning services, and big data analysis and application to support educational decision-making, support the daily management and teaching work of the school, and create a smart ecological environment integrating comprehensive environmental perception, seamless network interconnection, open learning environment, and personalized services for teachers and students, so as to realize the intelligence of teaching, learning, and office management, and promote the comprehensive development of the school and enhance the competitiveness of the school.

Contact us
Official Customer Service: +86-531-81604000-9
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