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Discrete Manufacturing

Discrete Manufacturing

The discrete manufacturing industry spans a wide range of fields including household electrical appliances, home furnishings, airplanes, electronic equipment, machine tools, and automobiles, playing a pivotal role in the manufacturing industry. As an important industry helping to solve employment and livelihood problems, it is directly related to people’s daily lives. The traditional discrete manufacturing industry is facing multiple challenges such as relatively low level of automation and digitization, weak basic support technology, low value-added products, high consumption of resources, costs, and energy, and severe environmental pollution. Meanwhile, as it is also plagued by constraints such as overcapacity, low profitability and fierce market competition, there is an urgent need to accelerate the transformation and upgrading to improve its product quality and efficiency. Therefore, it is an inevitable choice to carry out digital transformation and intelligent upgrading based on cutting-edge technologies such as advanced manufacturing technology, new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, digital twin and big data.